Surviving Another Day

How to Sharpen a Survival Knife: Expert Tips and Techniques




How to Sharpen a Survival Knife


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If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a survival knife is an essential part of your gear. A sharp survival knife is not only a valuable tool for cutting and chopping, but it can also be a lifesaver in an emergency situation. However, a dull knife is not only ineffective but also dangerous to use. Knowing how to sharpen a survival knife is an essential skill that every outdoor adventurer should have.

Understanding knife sharpening is the first step in keeping your survival knife sharp. There are different methods of sharpening a knife, and each method has its pros and cons. Choosing the right method for your knife depends on its condition and the tools available to you. In this article, we’ll discuss the different methods of sharpening a survival knife and help you choose the best one for your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the different methods of knife sharpening is essential for keeping your survival knife sharp.
  • Choosing the right method for your knife depends on its condition and the tools available to you.
  • Proper preparation and maintenance are crucial for keeping your survival knife sharp and effective.
How to Sharpen a Survival Knife

Understanding Knife Sharpening

When it comes to survival situations, having a sharp knife can mean the difference between life and death. A dull blade can make tasks like cutting rope, preparing food, and building shelter much more difficult and dangerous. That’s why it’s important to understand the basics of knife sharpening.

Importance of Knife Sharpness

A sharp knife is not only safer to use, but it also makes tasks easier and more efficient. A dull blade requires more force to cut through materials, which can increase the risk of slipping and injuring yourself. A sharp knife, on the other hand, allows you to make clean cuts with less effort.

Understanding Sharpening Angles

One of the most important aspects of knife sharpening is understanding the bevel angle. The bevel angle is the angle between the blade and the sharpening surface. Different knives have different bevel angles, and it’s important to know the correct angle for your knife.

Most survival knives have a bevel angle of around 20 degrees. However, some knives, like Japanese knives, have a much sharper angle of around 15 degrees. It’s important to know the correct angle for your knife because sharpening at the wrong angle can damage the blade and make it less effective.

To determine the correct angle for your knife, you can consult the manufacturer’s instructions or do some research online. Once you know the correct angle, you can use a sharpening stone or other sharpening tool to sharpen your knife.

Remember, a sharp knife is a valuable tool in any survival situation. By understanding the basics of knife sharpening and the correct bevel angle for your knife, you can ensure that your blade is always ready when you need it.

Choosing Your Sharpening Tools

When it comes to sharpening your survival knife, choosing the right tools is crucial. In this section, we will cover the different types of sharpeners available and how to choose the right grit for your knife.

Types of Sharpeners

There are many different types of sharpeners available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most common types of sharpeners:

  • Whetstones: Whetstones are one of the oldest and most traditional methods of sharpening a knife. They come in a variety of grits and can be used with water or oil to create a sharpening slurry.
  • Diamond Sharpeners: Diamond sharpeners are a popular choice because they are durable and can sharpen even the hardest steel. They come in a variety of grits and are typically used dry.
  • Pull-Through Sharpeners: Pull-through sharpeners are easy to use and can be very effective. They typically have two stages, one with a coarse grit and one with a fine grit.
  • Sharpening Systems: Sharpening systems are designed to hold the knife at a specific angle while sharpening. They typically use sharpening stones or diamond stones and can be very effective.
  • Honing Rods: Honing rods are used to maintain the edge of a knife between sharpenings. They do not actually sharpen the knife, but instead straighten out the edge.
  • Leather Strops: Leather strops are used to polish the edge of a knife after sharpening. They can be used with a polishing compound to create a mirror finish.
How to Sharpen a Survival Knife

Choosing the Right Grit

The grit of your sharpening stone or diamond sharpener will determine how coarse or fine the edge of your knife will be. Here are some general guidelines for choosing the right grit:

  • Coarse Grit (100-400): Use a coarse grit if your knife is very dull or has nicks in the blade.
  • Medium Grit (800-1200): Use a medium grit for regular sharpening and maintenance.
  • Fine Grit (2000-3000): Use a fine grit for polishing and finishing the edge of your knife.

It is important to note that different types of knives may require different grits. For example, a hunting knife may require a coarser grit than a kitchen knife.

Choosing the right sharpening tools and grit is essential for maintaining the edge of your survival knife. Consider your specific needs and the type of knife you have when selecting your tools and grit.

Preparation for Sharpening

Before you start sharpening your survival knife, it is important to take a few necessary precautions to ensure your safety. In this section, we will discuss the safety measures you should take and how to set up your workspace.

Safety Precautions

Sharpening a dull knife can be dangerous if you are not careful. Here are some safety precautions you should take before sharpening your survival knife:

  • Wear protective gloves to avoid cutting yourself while you sharpen the blade.
  • Keep your fingers away from the blade while sharpening to avoid any accidents.
  • Use a stable surface to avoid any slips or accidents.
  • Keep the sharpening tools out of reach of children and pets.

By following these safety precautions, you can avoid any potential injuries while sharpening your survival knife.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Now that you know how to stay safe while sharpening your survival knife, it is time to set up your workspace. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Find a flat and stable surface to work on. You can use a table or a workbench.
  2. Make sure the area is well-lit so that you can see what you are doing.
  3. Gather all the necessary sharpening tools, such as a sharpening stone, honing oil, and a towel to clean the knife.
  4. Place the sharpening stone on the stable surface and apply a few drops of honing oil on it.

By following these steps, you can set up your workspace for sharpening your survival knife. Remember to keep the workspace clean and organized to avoid any accidents.

In the next section, we will discuss the steps you need to follow to sharpen your survival knife properly.

Sharpening Your Survival Knife

When it comes to survival, having a sharp knife can mean the difference between life and death. A dull knife can make simple tasks difficult and dangerous. In this section, we will guide you on how to sharpen your survival knife.

Initial Sharpening Steps

Before you start sharpening your knife, it is important to know the condition of your knife. Check for any nicks or chips in the blade, as these will need to be addressed before sharpening. Once you have inspected your knife, you can begin the sharpening process.

To begin, you will need a sharpening stone, lubricant, and a leather belt. Apply some lubricant to the sharpening stone and place it on a flat surface. Hold the knife at a rough grind angle (approximately 20 degrees) and run the blade along the coarse side of the stone. This will create a burr on the opposite side of the blade. Repeat this process on the other side of the blade.

Maintaining Consistent Angle

Maintaining a consistent angle is key to achieving a sharp blade. You can use a sharpening guide to help maintain the correct angle. Hold the guide against the blade and run it along the stone. This will ensure that you maintain a consistent angle throughout the sharpening process.

Finishing the Sharpening Process

Once you have achieved the desired sharpness, it is time to finish the sharpening process. Flip the stone over to the fine side and repeat the process. This will remove any metal shavings and create a polished edge.

After you have finished sharpening your knife, use a leather belt to strop the blade. Hold the knife at a flat angle and run the blade along the belt. This will remove any remaining burrs and create a razor-sharp edge.

Alternatively, you can use sandpaper to sharpen your knife. Start with a coarse grit (around 220) and work your way up to a finer grit (around 1000). Use a consistent technique and apply extra force if necessary to achieve the desired sharpness.

Sharpening your survival knife is an essential skill for any survivalist. By following these steps and using the correct technique, you can ensure that your knife is always sharp and ready for any situation.

Maintaining Your Survival Knife

How to Sharpen a Survival Knife

To ensure the longevity of your survival knife, proper maintenance is crucial. This includes both regular care and proper storage. In this section, we will cover the basics of maintaining your survival knife.

Proper Storage

Storing your survival knife correctly is essential to prevent moisture damage. Moisture can cause rust and corrosion, which can damage the blade and handle of your knife. To prevent this, store your knife in a dry place, away from moisture. Consider storing your knife in a sheath or a dry box to protect it from moisture and dust.

Regular Knife Care

Regular knife care is necessary to keep your knife in good condition. This includes cleaning, sharpening, and oiling your knife. Here are some tips to help you care for your survival knife:

  • Clean your knife after every use. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dirt or debris from the blade and handle.
  • Sharpen your knife regularly. A dull knife is not only frustrating but can also be dangerous. You can use a sandstone, another knife, a brick, a ceramic mug, or a river stone to sharpen your knife in the wild. For faster and more efficient sharpening, consider carrying a sharpening tool in your bug out bag.
  • Oil your knife regularly. Oiling your knife helps to prevent rust and corrosion. You can use any oil or lubricant to oil your knife. Apply a few drops of oil to the blade and handle, and wipe off any excess oil with a clean cloth.
  • Remove swarf from the blade after sharpening. Swarf is the metal filings that accumulate on the blade after sharpening. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any swarf from the blade.

Best Knife Sharpeners

Carrying a knife sharpener in your survival kit can be a lifesaver. There are many different types of knife sharpeners available, including ceramics, diamond sharpeners, and whetstones. Consider carrying a portable knife sharpener in your bug out bag or survival kit.

Maintaining your survival knife is essential to ensure its longevity and performance. Proper storage and regular care can help prevent rust and corrosion, and keep your knife sharp and ready for use. By following these tips, you can ensure that your survival knife is always in top condition when you need it most.

Alternative Sharpening Methods

While using a sharpening stone is the traditional method for sharpening a survival knife, there are other methods you can use if you don’t have access to a stone or if you want to try something different. In this section, we’ll cover some alternative sharpening methods that you can use to get your knife sharp and ready for action.

Using a Car Window

One alternative method for sharpening your survival knife is to use the edge of a car window. This method is particularly useful if you are out in the wilderness and don’t have access to a sharpening stone. To use this method, simply hold the knife at a 15 to 20-degree angle and run the blade along the edge of the car window. Be sure to use light pressure and maintain a consistent angle as you sharpen.

Using Honing Oil

Honing oil is a lubricant that can be used to help sharpen your survival knife. This oil helps to reduce friction and heat buildup, making it easier to sharpen your knife and preventing damage to the blade. To use honing oil, simply apply a few drops to the surface of your sharpening stone before you begin sharpening. This will help to keep the stone lubricated and prevent the blade from becoming damaged.

Proper Technique

No matter which sharpening method you use, it’s important to use proper technique to get the best results. When sharpening your knife, be sure to maintain a consistent angle and use light pressure. You should also make sure to sharpen both sides of the blade evenly to ensure that it is properly sharpened. Finally, be sure to test the sharpness of your knife before using it to ensure that it is sharp enough for your needs.

While using a sharpening stone is the traditional method for sharpening a survival knife, there are other methods you can use if you don’t have access to a stone or if you want to try something different. By using the alternative methods discussed in this section, you can get your knife sharp and ready for action no matter where you are.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best angle to sharpen a hunting knife?

The best angle to sharpen a hunting knife is between 20 and 25 degrees. This angle provides a balance between sharpness and durability. However, the exact angle depends on the type of knife and its intended use. For example, a skinning knife may require a slightly steeper angle than a general-purpose hunting knife.

What is the best sharpening stone for a bushcraft knife?

The best sharpening stone for a bushcraft knife is a diamond stone. Diamond stones are durable and can sharpen even the hardest steel. They are also easy to use and maintain. However, they can be more expensive than other types of sharpening stones.

How do you use a Lansky Knife Sharpener?

How to Sharpen a Survival Knife

To use a Lansky Knife Sharpener, first, clamp the knife in the sharpening guide. Then, select the appropriate sharpening stone and attach it to the guide. Finally, sharpen the knife by moving it back and forth over the stone at the desired angle.

What is the recommended angle for sharpening a skinning knife?

The recommended angle for sharpening a skinning knife is between 20 and 25 degrees. However, the exact angle depends on the type of knife and its intended use. A skinning knife may require a slightly steeper angle than a general-purpose hunting knife.

Where can I find hunting knife sharpening services near me?

You can find hunting knife sharpening services near you by searching online or asking for recommendations from local hunting and outdoor stores. Many hardware stores and cutlery shops also offer sharpening services.

What is the best hunting knife sharpening kit?

The best hunting knife sharpening kit is one that includes a variety of sharpening stones and tools to accommodate different types of knives and sharpening needs. Look for a kit that includes diamond stones, ceramic stones, and honing rods. Additionally, consider the size and portability of the kit for outdoor use.


In conclusion, sharpening your survival knife is an essential skill that every survivalist should master. A sharp knife can be the difference between life and death in a survival situation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your knife is always sharp and ready for use.

Remember, the key to sharpening your knife is to maintain a consistent angle and use the right sharpening tool for the job. Whether you choose a whetstone, ceramic sharpener, or diamond sharpener, make sure you use it properly to get the best results.

Additionally, it’s important to keep your knife clean and dry to prevent rust and other damage. After sharpening your knife, wipe it down with a clean cloth and store it in a dry place.

Lastly, invest in a high-quality knife that is made with durable materials and designed for survival situations. A good knife is an investment that can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that your survival knife is always ready for whatever challenges may come your way.

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